Nov 22, 2010

Strangest Mugshot Ever? A Man With Half a Head Is Arrested for Soliciting a Prostitute

This is a candidate for one of the STRANGEST MUGSHOTS ever.

25-year-old Carlos Rodriguez of Miami, Florida was arrested earlier this month for soliciting a prostitute . . . when he approached an undercover police officer and told her he was looking to pay $80 for some [rhymes with "wussy"].

And in his mugshot, you can see that he only has HALF A HEAD.

Yes, that's right, half of a head. It appears that his skull is totally caved in and the top of his head is gone. We have no idea where his brain went. We have no idea how he's walking and talking, let alone savvy enough to solicit prostitutes.

For now, all we know is that he's missing a large part of his head and there are mugshots to prove it.

1 comment:

Careless Memories said...

He can talk because seams to still have the lenguaje zones (broca and wernicke), the real problem here is if he can control his personality and basic instinct, he maybe don't have working memory, he can't made a plan to solve situations etc.
Sorry for my bad english.