For a lot of people, Memorial Day is the first day of the year they fire up the grill. And obviously, hot dogs and hamburgers are the staple at most barbecues.
But if you want something a little different this Monday, here are four things you didn't know you could cook on the grill.
#1.) Lettuce. Before you make a salad, throw a couple heads of romaine lettuce on the grill for a few minutes. It'll stay crisp but give the salad a smoky taste. Add grilled chicken to the salad to make it more of an entrée.
#2.) Breakfast. If you're having an EARLY barbecue, try cooking French toast and breakfast sausage on the grill. It'll be different than usual, but still delicious.
#3.) Green Beans. Maybe you've cooked things like asparagus and corn-on-the-cob on the grill. But it's great for green beans too. Just make sure you have a pan, or a flat surface to put them on so they don't fall through the grate.
If you don't snap the ends off before you cook them, they work as a finger-food you can use with dip.
#4.) Clams. If you put them in a pan over the fire, they'll open right up. Then grill some lemons, add some garlic, and you're good to go.
You can check out recipes for all four at iVillage.com.