Apr 4, 2011
A Man Is Going To Prison For Robbing an Adult Store Where His Sister Was Working as the Clerk
20-year-old Nathaniel Atkinson of Lincoln, Nebraska just made sure that his family is going to have a LIFETIME of awkward family dinners. Because Nathaniel was in court last week for robbing an ADULT STORE . . . where his SISTER was working as the clerk. And he didn't rob it as some kind of protest against his sister working in a sea of sex toys and flavored lubes. He robbed it because he says he's addicted to gambling, and needed the money. Nathaniel wore a mask during the robbery, and socks over his hands, and his sister didn't realize it was him. He was connected to the robbery when he was caught robbing a guy he met on Craigslist, and they linked him to the porno shop. Nathaniel was sentenced to 16 to 32 months in prison.