Home break-ins don't get STRANGER than this, people.
On Monday morning, the sheriff's department in Oconee County, South Carolina got a call about a home break-in in the nearby town of Seneca. When they got there, they found 31-year-old Noah Smith lying face down inside the doorway, completely nude.
When they tried to wake him up he SLAPPED a deputy. So they Tased him. It had NO EFFECT. Then they pepper sprayed him, but he started kicking at the officers. Finally they gang-tackled him, hog-tied him, AND tied him to a stretcher.
Some EMTs arrived on the scene and came to two quick conclusions. One, Noah was high out of his mind on mushrooms. And two, there was something that resembled a tail dangling out of his NO-GO HOLE.
Later, during his medical examination at a hospital, an X-ray revealed that there was a dead mouse in his rectal chute.
By that point he'd come down from the mushrooms . . . and the Tasering, beating, and pepper spraying . . . and told the ER crew that he had no idea how he ended up at the house, or how that mouse ended up inside him.
He didn't end up stealing anything from the house, so he was charged with resisting arrest, two counts of assault and battery, and indecent exposure.
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