Having an open relationship isn't for everyone. Imagine the headaches that come with exploring glorious, deviant sexual variety . . . while staying emotionally committed to one person. But you know you've considered it . . .
Anyway, the folks over at "Ask Men" have your back. They've just come out with a list of five tips for persuading your girlfriend to have an open relationship. But even bringing this up could backfire, so consider yourself warned.
#1.) PLANT THE IDEA. The best way to introduce the idea of an open relationship is to do it SLOWLY. The next time you're ready to molest each other, suggest watching some porno together, to spice things up.
Then choose movies that have threesomes, and try to find stuff she's down with. The idea is to get her turned on by what she sees, and plant an idea she might want to explore further. Sort of like the movie "Inception". (???)
#2.) ENCOURAGE THE FANTASY. Now that you've planted the idea, it's up to you to open the lines of communication. You have to be willing to share your fantasies, and get her to do the same.
One benefit is that it'll build trust in your relationship. But what you REALLY want is to encourage her fantasies to become reality. So if her mind's open to the idea of more sexual variety, her body might follow.
#3.) MAKE IT ABOUT SEX. By far, the #1 reason your girlfriend isn't cool with an open relationship is because she connects having sex with emotions.
So the best thing you can do is let her know your relationship is always going to be the priority. Everything else is just for fun. If you keep the emotional stuff out of the equation, she's more likely not to see it as a threat.
#4.) HANG OUT WITH SWINGERS. Once you've laid the groundwork, it's time to hang out with other people who have the same idea: Swingers. This is a big step, and it'll pretty much make or break your quest, so proceed with caution.
You don't want to end up in some S&M club where people are fornicating on the bar . . . or a ranch house in a cul-de-sac where creepy old dudes with hair-pieces are wife-swapping.
The idea is that, ultimately, your girlfriend will see that meeting and picking up swingers isn't the same as asking someone out on a date. There's no emotional connection . . . it's all about having a sexual experience and then moving on.
#5.) SELL THE BENEFITS. In the end, your girlfriend is either going to be onboard . . . or not. If she's on the fence, you can TRY selling the benefits of an open relationship, and reminding her how it'll benefit BOTH of you.
But when it comes down to it, you need to be on the same page. And if she's not cool with it, nothing you say is going to convince her otherwise.
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