Nov 15, 2010

A Guy In L.A. Proposes To His Girlfriend . . . Then Tries To Run Her Over When She Says "No"

22-year-old Francisco Hernandez of Whittier, California does not take rejection well.

On Thursday afternoon, Francisco wanted to propose to his girlfriend, Stacy.

And he did it in the most romantic way possible . . . by driving past her while she ate at a fast food restaurant in Los Angeles called the Burger Joint, with "Stacy, Will You Marry Me?" painted on his back windshield.

Well . . . after he drove past and delivered the message, Stacy gave him her answer: NO.

So Francisco responded by . . . trying to RUN HER OVER with his car.

She managed to jump out of the way and get to safety.

Francisco popped two tires in the process when he hit a curb, so he ended up ditching the car and running away.

The police caught up with him . . . with a bouquet of flowers in his hand . . . and arrested him on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon.

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