Mar 2, 2010

A Quadriplegic Fell Into The Mosh Pit At An AC/DC Concert, And Impaled His Eye On The Joystick Of His Motorized Wheelchair

I know I shouldn't laugh at this, because it's really NOT funny. But I couldn't help myself. Check it out . . .

--On Saturday night, AC/DC played a concert at the Queensland Sport and Athletic Centre in Brisbane, Australia. An unidentified 31-year-old QUADRIPLEGIC attended the show, and was enjoying the music with a few friends from a special elevated podium that had been set up for disabled fans.

--But at some point during the show, one of his friends accidentally hit the joystick on his motorized wheelchair, and sent the quadriplegic guy rolling face-first off the podium and into the MOSH PIT.

--As if that's not bad enough, when the quadriplegic guy hit the ground, he IMPALED HIS EYE on the wheelchair's joystick. (!!!)

--The quadriplegic was rushed to the hospital, and as of yesterday, he was in serious but stable condition. It's unclear whether doctors were able to salvage his eye.

--According to an unidentified concertgoer, the man's friend was, quote, "shattered, just devastated by what happened."


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