Mar 22, 2011

And Now, the Story of a Street Fight In China Between a Bald Footless Beggar and an Angry Dwarf Beggar

OK, this one comes from a not-so-reliable Chinese newspaper, so take it for what it's worth. But it's too good not to pass along.

The story chronicles a fight between two beggars in Jinan, China. A FOOTLESS, BALD panhandler in his 50s got into a brawl with an ANGRY DWARF panhandler in his 40s . . . after the footless guy accused the dwarf of stealing from him.

In the end, having no feet or hair led to physical superiority over dwarfism as the older beggar won the fight, took back his money, and stole the younger beggar's DVD player. The police are investigating the entire incident.