Everything about this story feels like it's one of those fake-news articles from "The Onion". But it's not.
Al-Qaeda has launched a brand new magazine for women, and to sum it up, it's like "Cosmo" for the lady jihadist.
Al-Qaeda has launched a brand new magazine for women, and to sum it up, it's like "Cosmo" for the lady jihadist.
The magazine is called "Al-Shamikha", which translates to "The Majestic Woman". Here's some of the content from the debut issue . . . and again, THIS IS REAL.
A glossy cover featuring purple and pink colors . . . and a machine gun.
Exclusive interviews with the wives of martyrs who gush about their husbands' decision to become suicide bombers.
An advice column for single ladies on "how to marry a mujahideen." That's a Muslim who fights as part of a jihad.
A health column that recommends women don't towel themselves off too forcefully.
And a beauty column that tells women the best way to keep a clear complexion is to STAY INDOORS with their faces covered.
The magazine also says the next issue will contain more tips on skin care . . . plus tips on how to pull off an electronic jihad.
Exclusive interviews with the wives of martyrs who gush about their husbands' decision to become suicide bombers.
An advice column for single ladies on "how to marry a mujahideen." That's a Muslim who fights as part of a jihad.
A health column that recommends women don't towel themselves off too forcefully.
And a beauty column that tells women the best way to keep a clear complexion is to STAY INDOORS with their faces covered.
The magazine also says the next issue will contain more tips on skin care . . . plus tips on how to pull off an electronic jihad.