Mar 16, 2011

Al-Qaeda Has Launched a Women's Magazine?

Everything about this story feels like it's one of those fake-news articles from "The Onion". But it's not.

Al-Qaeda has launched a brand new magazine for women, and to sum it up, it's like "Cosmo" for the lady jihadist.

The magazine is called "Al-Shamikha", which translates to "The Majestic Woman". Here's some of the content from the debut issue . . . and again, THIS IS REAL.

A glossy cover featuring purple and pink colors . . . and a machine gun.

Exclusive interviews with the wives of martyrs who gush about their husbands' decision to become suicide bombers.

An advice column for single ladies on "how to marry a mujahideen." That's a Muslim who fights as part of a jihad.

A health column that recommends women don't towel themselves off too forcefully.

And a beauty column that tells women the best way to keep a clear complexion is to STAY INDOORS with their faces covered.

The magazine also says the next issue will contain more tips on skin care . . . plus tips on how to pull off an electronic jihad.