Mar 31, 2010

A Woman In South Carolina Was Running A Strip Club For Underage Boys Out Of Her Mobile Home

Now it's time to recognize our Idiot Criminal of the Day . . . 27-year-old Gwendolyn Lowery of Chesterfield, South Carolina (--in the southern part of the state).

--Last week, authorities were given a flyer advertising an illegal STRIP CLUB Gwendolyn was running out of her mobile home.

--And when officers raided her trailer on Sunday, they found about 20 boys . . . all between the ages of 12 and 19 . . . sitting around a stripper pole in Gwendolyn's 'living room.'

--Apparently, Gwendolyn had been serving alcohol to minors, and she kept a price list of the various services she provided, including lap dances for $5.

--Long story short, Gwendolyn was arrested and charged with violating state liquor laws, as well as eight counts of contributing to the delinquency of minors. If she's convicted, she could get up to 24 years in prison.

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