Mar 29, 2010

Boot Camp For Dudes Who Can't Score

Dating coaches are nothing new. They're the guys who claim to be experts on relationships and women, and make a living coaching loser dudes in the art of picking up chicks.

--There even used to be a show about a dating doctor on VH1 called "The Pickup Artist".

--Anyway, Dr. Paul Dobransky is a psychologist and self-proclaimed relationship expert from New York City. He runs a series of weekend retreats for men called the "Omega Male Boot Camp."

--The idea is to help guys WRANGLE POON by, quote, "transforming their masculinity." Whatever that means.

--Dr. Paul's seminars focus on every aspect of a relationship . . . from the pick-up to the possibility of marriage. And they even include a night out at the bars with Dr. Paul himself.

--And all it will cost you to take one of Dr. Paul's weekend "Omega Male Boot Camp" seminars is $1,800.

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