Mar 18, 2010

Four Times You Should Listen To Your Friends

Friends don't always give good advice, so you shouldn't listen to EVERYTHING they say. But here are four times you should ALWAYS listen to your friends . . .

#1.) WHEN THEY DON'T LIKE THE PERSON YOU'RE DATING. At the beginning of a relationship, when you're way too into the other person, you might not notice their flaws. But your friends will.

--So if they say the person is totally wrong for you, listen to them. They're almost always right.

#2.) WHEN THEY SAY YOU'VE HAD TOO MUCH TO DRINK. If your friends tell you to switch to water, it means you're either embarrassing yourself, or you're embarrassing them. Probably both. If they say you're drunk, you are. Don't fight it.

#3.) WHEN THEY TELL YOU NOT TO DATE THEIR EX. If you ask their permission and they say no, then keep it in your pants. Your friendship won't survive if you go behind their back.

--If they say it's OKAY for you to date their ex, be careful. They probably don't mean it, and they'll end up resenting you.

#4.) WHEN THEY SAY YOU DON'T LOOK FAT. Ladies, if you put on a pair of jeans and ask if they make you look fat, all you really want is an ego boost. So when your friend says "no," don't argue. It's annoying.

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