The first two rounds of the NCAA tournament are already in the books, and chances are your bracket is a total mess. Which should help you appreciate THIS . . .
--17-year-old Alex Hermann lives in a northern suburb of Chicago called Glenview. He has autism, and he knows a thing or two about college basketball.
--Actually, that's the understatement of the year, considering Alex has correctly picked the winner of EVERY NCAA tournament game so far. (!!!)
--Alex actually picked Northern Iowa to beat Kansas, Ohio to beat Georgetown, and Cornell to beat both Temple and Wisconsin.
--To give you some perspective on how amazing that is, a website called BookofOdds.com says the chances of anyone doing what Alex did are ONE in 13,460,000. Put another way, you have a better chance of winning the lottery. TWICE.
--Unfortunately, Alex entered a bracket challenge on CBSSports.com that doesn't award the winner with a prize. But even if he had won money, his mom, Diane, says he probably wouldn't have spent it anyway.
--So you know, Alex has Tennessee, Kansas State, Kentucky and Purdue in the Final Four. Then he's got Kansas State and Purdue in the championship game, with Purdue winning. Because that's where his brother, Andrew, went to college.
(--Take a look at Alex's full bracket here . . .)
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