Mar 21, 2011

Jon Jones Stops Mugger Hours Before Winning The Belt at UFC 128

Is there anything Jon Jones can’t do? Sarturday in Paterson, NJ, just hours before winning the Light Heavyweight Title Belt at UFC 128 and as Jon Jones and his trainers where one their way to meditate in front of a waterfall before the fight, a ritual Jones always does, they spotted a robber in a parking lot breaking into a car. Jon Jones along with trainers Greg Jackson and Mike Winklejohn shouted at the robber who took off running. Jones, Jackson and Winklejohn then gave chase, Jones caught up to the robber who used a food sweep to take the robber down.

As the robber was on the ground Jackson yelled for Jones to stay away as he jumped on the robber and caught him in an arm bar. Shortly after the police arrived to arrest the suspect. Jones talked about the incident earlier today on Twitter:

-----“So while we were at the park today a crack head smashed this old ladys car window and took off running with her gps just as we were pulling up. … right away….Coach Wink goes after this guy. Without hesitation, Coach Jackson went after him…I was shocked and stood there for a second … then I threw my phone down and went with my coaches. Before you know it, we’re sprinting up a steep hill chasing after him. … I turned the jets on….we caught the guy. We got the lady’s gps back. … It feels so good to help others. It gives me power and energy. … Coach Jackson is a hero! … I caught him….Coach Jackson finished him.