Feb 2, 2011
One Out of Eight People Watches the Super Bowl Just For the Commercials
There's a reason that companies will happily pay $3 MILLION for a 30-second ad during the Super Bowl.
The other 364 days of the year, we hate ads and fast forward through them. During the Super Bowl, people talk about the ads, dissect them . . . and pay more attention to THEM than to the game.
According to a new survey, of the people who plan on watching the Super Bowl, 12%, or about one out of eight, are watching it ONLY to see the commercials.
Budweiser commercials are the ones they're anticipating the most, followed by Bud Light, Doritos, Go Daddy, and Pepsi.
61% of people who are watching the Super Bowl say they're most looking forward to the game itself. 19% are just in it for the party. (--The survey didn't say what the other 8% of people are motivated by.)
About two out of every three Americans plan on watching the Super Bowl.
The most common place that people will watch the game is at home. The second-most common place to watch is at a Super Bowl party.