Jan 29, 2011
A Woman Files For Divorce From Her New Husband
After He Brings His Mother Along On Their Honeymoon
It's tough to be romantic and sexy when your mother's around . . . making sure you tuck in your shirt, asking the restaurant to turn down the air conditioning, silently and not-so-silently judging at all times.
In December, in Rome, Italy, a couple got married . . . and then, as they went to their airport to fly to their honeymoon in France . . . the groom's mom showed up. And the groom told his new wife he'd invited mom along on the honeymoon.
She pulled him aside and asked him to reconsider, but he said he couldn't leave her alone for health reasons.
So the three of them went on their honeymoon together. Now, less than a month later, the bride has filed for divorce . . . citing, quote, "excessive emotional attachment" between her husband and his mother.