First, they cast a British guy to play our 16th president in "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter". Now, they've cast yet another Limey as the new Superman.
It's HENRY CAVILL . . . who's probably best known for playing Charles Brandon on the Showtime series "The Tudors".
(He was also in a very underrated Nazi occult horror flick called "Blood Creek". It's worth a rental if you're into that sort of thing. Dude . . . ZOMBIE HORSES. How can you resist that?)
The latest reboot of the Superman franchise will be called "Superman: Man of Steel". It's being directed by ZACK SNYDER, who did "300", "Watchmen" and the "Dawn of the Dead" remake.
The story was conceived by CHRISTOPHER NOLAN . . . the GENIUS behind the current "Batman" flicks . . . not to mention "Inception".
Cavill was actually cast as Superman several years ago, when "Charlie's Angels" director McG was going to reboot the series.
But then "X-Men" director BRYAN SINGER took over the project, and he cast BRANDON ROUTH. The resulting film, "Superman Returns", came out in 2006, and was generally considered a disappointment, even though it made decent money.
(Christian Bale is British, you know. And so is the new Spider-Man, Andrew Garfield. That means that Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, and Abraham Lincoln are all being played by Brits. Should somebody tell Glenn Beck about this?)