Jan 29, 2011

A Court Rules That Inmates Can't Play "Dungeons & Dragons"
Because It's Too Similar To Organizing a Gang

Some really bad news today for any HUGE, HUGE NERDS who get sent to prison. Leave your 12-sided die at home . . . because there ain't no role-playing games on the inside.

On Wednesday, a U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that American inmates can NOT play "Dungeons & Dragons" in prison.

In "D&D", there's a dungeon master who gives directions to other players as they go on quests and fight against dragons and other monsters.

And the court ruled that the entire dynamic, quote, "mimics the organization of a gang" . . . and they can't have gangs in prison, even if those gangs are made up of wizards and orcs and elves.

The court was ruling on "D&D" because of an inmate named Kevin Singer in Wisconsin, who got life in prison in 2002 for killing his sister's boyfriend.

He's a lifelong Dungeon Master and wanted to bring his game in with him. He was denied . . . and the "D&D" fight has been slowly moving through the courts ever since.