Mar 19, 2010

Only 8% Of The University Of Maryland's Basketball Team Graduates On Time

Every year at the start of March Madness, the Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport at the University of Central Florida releases a report on the graduation rates of basketball teams in the NCAA tournament.

--According to this year's report, at BYU, Marquette, Notre Dame, Utah State, Wake Forest and Wofford, 100% of their players graduated on time.

--And at Duke and Villanova, more than 90% of their players graduated on time.

--But programs like Cal, Arkansas Pine-Bluff, Washington, Tennessee, Kentucky, Baylor and New Mexico State all graduated fewer than 36% of their players on time.

--And the University of Maryland's on-time graduation rate is a pathetic 8%. That's just ONE PLAYER on the team's entire roster.

--Still, according to Maryland's coach, Gary Williams, the numbers are deceiving.

--He says, quote, "Obviously, those years we had players leave early and they're millionaires now, and they're coming back to get their degrees, just like other guys have come back and gotten their degrees."

--For the record, there are only three former University of Maryland players in the NBA right now . . . STEVE BLAKE of the Los Angeles Clippers, JOE SMITH of the Atlanta Hawks and CHRIS WILCOX of the Detroit Pistons.

--Meanwhile, another former player, JUAN DIXON, was suspended from a European league last month for failing a steroid test.

--And arguably the program's most famous player, STEVE FRANCIS, got caught picking his nose on camera while attending an NBA game as a SPECTATOR last weekend.

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