Mar 18, 2010

A Man Saw His Daughter Being Choked, So He Jumped Out A Second-Story Window And Shot The Attacker In The Groin

Now it's time to recognize our Hero of the Day . . . an unidentified 56-year-old man from Phoenix, Arizona.

--Around 1:30 A.M. Wednesday morning, the man heard someone screaming in his front yard. When he looked outside, he saw his 27-year-old daughter being CHOKED by her ex-boyfriend . . . 26-year-old Daniel Fuches.

--Apparently, Daniel and the daughter had gotten a drink together earlier in the night. But on the ride home they got into an argument, and things turned physical once they reached the woman's home.

--Anyway, the father grabbed his shotgun and fired a warning shot out the window to scare Daniel off. But when that didn't work, he climbed out the second-story window, jumped down from the roof and hit Daniel with the butt of his gun.

--But Daniel still wouldn't let go of the woman's throat. So the father shot him in the leg. And after Daniel picked up a large rock to attack the father, the man fired off another shot . . . this time hitting Daniel in the GROIN. (!!!)

--Long story short, Daniel and the daughter were both treated for their injuries, and they're both expected to survive.

--And Daniel was also arrested for assault. But so far, no charges have been filed against the father. (ABC 15 News - Phoenix)

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