Mar 22, 2010

Guys Who Catcall Make Women Hate *All* Men

Guys . . . the next time you're hanging out with your idiot friends and one of them makes a sexually inappropriate comment to a random woman, go ahead and slap him across the back of the head. Here's why . . .

--Researchers at the University of Connecticut wanted to find out how jerks who catcall and make unwanted sexual comments affect the way women view men in general.

--What they found is that, in addition to feeling upset, women tend to have two general reactions when a guy sexually objectifies them:

#1.) They tend to take the objectification not just as a personal insult . . . but as an insult to ALL women.

#2.) And they tend to feel angrier, more skeptical and more fearful in general of ALL men.

--According to the study, published in a medical journal called "Sex Roles", quote:

--"Women are obviously implicated because they suffer direct negative consequences as targets of prejudice and . . . indirect consequences as bystanders.

--"But sexism also harms men as well. Whenever a single man's prejudiced actions are attributed to his gender identity, male perpetrators impact how women view and react to men generally."

--In other words, guys who catcall women are making things more difficult for women AND men. (--Thanks a lot, you a-holes.)

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