Mar 19, 2010

A Guy Who Wore A Leprechaun Costume To Rob A Bank On St. Patrick's Day Robbed Another Bank In December Dressed As Santa

Three days before Christmas, a man in a Santa suit robbed a bank in Nashville. The FBI was investigating the case, but it was still unsolved . . . until Wednesday.

--That's because on St. Patrick's Day, the same guy did the exact same thing. Except this time, he was dressed as . . . you guessed it . . . a LEPRECHAUN.

--According to police, 20-year-old David Cotton is the man responsible for both robberies. Both he and his getaway driver . . . a 20-year-old college student named Jonathan Skinner . . . were KILLED in a shootout with police while leaving the bank.

--Officials say there are two pieces of evidence linking David to the Christmas robbery:

#1.) When they searched his house, they found a Santa costume.

#2.) And David made similar comments to the tellers during each of the robberies.

(--Well, I guess they can officially close the book on the Christmastime robbery. I mean, how many people really own a Santa suit? And how many bank robbers really say things like, "Hand over the money"? Hardly any, I'm sure.) (???)

(--You know, unless the FBI is WRONG. In which case the real robber is now completely off the hook . . . and he knows it. Better hope they're right.)

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